Saturday, 29 December 2012

Setting Stretch Goals: ALL IN, ALL THE TIME

Whatever your ambition, you have a backup plan, right? Well, throw it out. If you want to accomplish something remarkable in 2013, you have to be fully committed.
“In times of war or uncertainty there is a special breed of warrior ready to answer our Nation's call; a common man with uncommon desire to succeed.” -- The Navy SEAL Creed
Sometimes setting goals requires putting yourself in a vulnerable position. You’re probably familiar with the term stretch goals. By definition, you’re stretching yourself beyond what your mind might think is safe.
After I graduated from SMU, I took a job as a financial analyst at one of the largest commercial real estate firms in in the world. I was bored and didn’t feel like I was challenging my mind or my body. My college buddy was determined to join the Navy, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Navy SEAL. Up to that point, I hadn’t even thought of pursuing that path in life. As we kept talking about it, however, I got excited about the prospect of giving myself the ultimate challenge. I quit my job and joined the Navy. I put myself in a totally vulnerable position: no job, no income, no guarantee of success. But it felt right. I was going to become a SEAL.
Maybe your stretch goals don’t call for an abrupt life change like mine did, but you should push yourself beyond your comfort zone, and proceed with the mindset that you will not fail. Here are a few tips that helped me with my goals:

1. Prepare yourself mentally and physically. When pursuing your stretch goals, eliminate as many obstacles as possible before you even start. SEAL training is the toughest mental and physical challenge the United States military offers. I knew I could control the fitness portion of training by showing up in the best physical condition possible. Before reporting to BUD/S (the initial six-month SEAL training course), I moved to Crested Butte, Colorado, for four months to train at 10,000 feet. It worked. My body never let me down during training. That freed me up to deal with the many other obstacles before me.

2. Make sure your risk has a reward. Don’t take risks for the sake of being bold. Take calculated risks that will generate a large return. I knew that becoming a SEAL would forever change the direction of my life in a positive way. SEALs are the most driven, goal-oriented people I have ever met. My training and service have made me a better leader and a more aggressive entrepreneur.

3. Don’t let other people talk you out of it. When I told people I was quitting a good job to join the Navy in pursuit of a highly unrealistic goal (90 percent of SEAL candidates fail), you can imagine the response. My plan was met with mass skepticism. Take all the advice that you want, but in the end, it’s your decision. Trust your gut.

4. Surround yourself with people who support your goal. When I set my goal of becoming a SEAL, I immediately surrounded myself with supportive people. My buddy and I moved to Colorado together to train. Align yourself with people who share a common vision. And identify trusted advisers--people who might not always agree with you, but will always support your decision.

5. Don’t have a backup plan. Prepare for success. I talk quite a bit about the importance of contingency planning, but with stretch goals, sometimes it is good to not have a backup plan. We have a saying in the SEAL teams: “All in. All the time.” Never once did I think, “Well if I don’t make it, I will just…” Set your stretch goals with an absolute refusal to believe you will fail.

Are you prepared to push yourself in 2013? Do you have an aggressive plan to get somewhere, rather than just a wish to end up there?

Talk to me on Face Book: Joe Ayes and share your ideas about the article or on Twitter: @JoeAyes

Monday, 24 December 2012


This article was posted by Carmine Gallo. He is a communications coach, a popular keynote speaker and author of several books including The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs and The Innovation Secrets of Steve Jobs. His latest is The Power of Foursquare.

I found this article awesome...

Steve Jobs' impact on your life cannot be underestimated. His innovations have likely touched nearly every aspect -- computers, movies, music and mobile. As a communications coach, I learned from Jobs that a presentation can, indeed, inspire. For entrepreneurs, Jobs' greatest legacy is the set of principles that drove his success.

Over the years, I've become a student of sorts of Jobs' career and life. Here's my take on the rules and values underpinning his success. Any of us can adopt them to unleash our "inner Steve Jobs."

1. Do what you love. Jobs once said, "People with passion can change the world for the better." Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, "I'd get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about." That's how much it meant to him. Passion is everything.And I add, don't take a career because it is popular or gives you money. Pursue what gives you fulfillment and happiness.

2. Put a dent in the universe. Jobs believed in the power of vision. He once asked then-Pepsi President, John Sculley, "Do you want to spend your life selling sugar water or do you want to change the world?" Don't lose sight of the big vision. Leave big, huge memories when you die...

3. Make connections. Jobs once said creativity is connecting things. He meant that people with a broad set of life experiences can often see things that others miss. He took calligraphy classes that didn't have any practical use in his life -- until he built the Macintosh. Jobs traveled to India and Asia. He studied design and hospitality. Don't live in a bubble. Connect ideas from different fields.

4. Say no to 1,000 things. Jobs was as proud of what Apple chose not to do as he was of what Apple did. When he returned in Apple in 1997, he took a company with 350 products and reduced them to 10 products in a two-year period. Why? So he could put the "A-Team" on each product. What are you saying "no" to?  

5. Create insanely different experiences. Jobs also sought innovation in the customer-service experience. When he first came up with the concept for the Apple Stores, he said they would be different because instead of just moving boxes, the stores would enrich lives. Everything about the experience you have when you walk into an Apple store is intended to enrich your life and to create an emotional connection between you and the Apple brand. What are you doing to enrich the lives of your customers?

6. Master the message. You can have the greatest idea in the world, but if you can't communicate your ideas, it doesn't matter. Jobs was the world's greatest corporate storyteller. Instead of simply delivering a presentation like most people do, he informed, he educated, he inspired and he entertained, all in one presentation.

7. Sell dreams, not products. Jobs captured our imagination because he really understood his customer. He knew that tablets would not capture our imaginations if they were too complicated. The result? One button on the front of an iPad. It's so simple, a 2-year-old can use it. Your customers don't care about your product. They care about themselves, their hopes, their ambitions. Jobs taught us that if you help your customers reach their dreams, you'll win them over.

There's one story that I think sums up Jobs' career at Apple. An executive who had the job of reinventing the Disney Store once called up Jobs and asked for advice. His counsel? Dream bigger. I think that's the best advice he could leave us with. See genius in your craziness, believe in yourself, believe in your vision, and be constantly prepared to defend those ideas. 

Great Ideas!! What do you think?


I found this article on the net and I thought that it is worth sharing. Read it on.

Happiness is the only true measure of personal success. Making other people happy is the highest expression of success, but it's almost impossible to make others happy if you're not happy yourself.

With that in mind, here are nine small changes that you can make to your daily routine that, if you're like most people, will immediately increase the amount of happiness in your life:

1. Start each day with expectation.

If there's any big truth about life, it's that it usually lives up to (or down to) your expectations. Therefore, when you rise from bed, make your first thought: "something wonderful is going to happen today." Guess what? You're probably right.

2. Take time to plan and prioritize.

The most common source of stress is the perception that you've got too much work to do.  Rather than obsess about it, pick one thing that, if you get it done today, will move you closer to your highest goal and purpose in life. Then do that first.

3. Give a gift to everyone you meet.

I'm not talking about a formal, wrapped-up present. Your gift can be your smile, a word of thanks or encouragement, a gesture of politeness, even a friendly nod. And never pass beggars without leaving them something. Peace of mind is worth the spare change.
4. Deflect partisan conversations.

Arguments about politics and religion never have a "right" answer but they definitely get people all riled up over things they can't control. When such topics surface, bow out by saying something like: "Thinking about that stuff makes my head hurt."

5. Assume people have good intentions.

Since you can't read minds, you don't really know the "why" behind the "what" that people do. Imputing evil motives to other people's weird behaviors adds extra misery to life, while assuming good intentions leaves you open to reconciliation.

6. Eat high quality food slowly.

Sometimes we can't avoid scarfing something quick to keep us up and running. Even so, at least once a day try to eat something really delicious, like a small chunk of fine cheese or an imported chocolate. Focus on it; taste it; savor it.
7. Let go of your results.

The big enemy of happiness is worry, which comes from focusing on events that are outside your control. Once you've taken action, there's usually nothing more you can do. Focus on the job at hand rather than some weird fantasy of what might happen.
8. Turn off "background" TV.

Many households leave their TVs on as "background noise" while they're doing other things. The entire point of broadcast TV is to make you dissatisfied with your life so that you'll buy more stuff. Why subliminally program yourself to be a mindless consumer?
9. End each day with gratitude.

Just before you go to bed, write down at least one wonderful thing that happened. It might be something as small as a making a child laugh or something as huge as a million dollar deal. Whatever it is, be grateful for that day because it will never come again.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Wishing all a Very Merry Christmas

A Little Story on Courage


I had gone for a walk in the fields. A friend of mine Jeff, whom I thought was a good, respectful and obedient boy, had some other plans when he saw me. He had earlier proposed to me to be his girlfriend but I felt that I was still too young and didn’t accept. I didn’t know that the opportunity had presented itself to him to show his true self. He had come from having a shower and after putting on his garments, he came to say talk to me. I was pensive because I didn’t want him to ask me again. I tried to remain calm and clear minded. He was ready to have sex with me but I could no put myself in such a risk. He suddenly pulled me into a room and started asking for sex. He was so mad and very aroused. I was in a situation that I almost gave in but something inside me told me to hold on. I waited for him to finish speaking and then he tried to caress me and wanted to kiss me. As he tried to reach for my mouth, I pushed him aside and told him that if he really wanted me, he should wait for the right time. Moreover, I stated that I respected his body and mine too and so should he. I made him understand the risks involved especially to me as a woman and also the fact that I was in Form One and him in Form Four. He grudgingly agreed and made a very surprising statement that greatly improved my self-worth, “I thought you were very easy but now I see that you are very strong.” I surely gained lots of confidence and pride despite the tough and tempting experience.

Thursday, 29 November 2012



BUILD YOUR LIFE ON TRUTH. DECIDE TO LIVE A LIFE OF INTEGRITY WHICH GIVE INCREDIBLE INTERNAL HAPPINESS. There are many people who walk on this planet with lots of anger and sadness because they built their life on lies and deceit and therefore are always in fear of being found. This constant hiding takes away their happiness. They failed to realize that happiness does not spring from outside but from inside one's heart made up of a clear conscience and self respect. In the eyes of people, they looks success, rich and famous but to their own selves, they know very well that happiness is the last thing in their life. Being truth built is to have confidence in God and in one's own abilities and talents. Being truth built is simply self awareness and appreciation. Being truth built is learning from one's past, it's influences, the hurts and pains, disappointments and frustrations but also the good things, It is forgiving and letting go of the pain of the past and therefore getting healed by God's Grace which takes place when each soul opens its heart to accept is. Being truth built is also asking for forgiveness and accepting to take what is good from one's past and leave what is negative. After that process, being truth built means never looking back unless you want to go back there. So, how do you get through self awareness to superior confidence and self esteem? There are Six steps involved;

1. Think and write down on paper your Talents, Strengths, Weaknesses, Blessings and Gifts that one has in his or her life.

2. Once you've written your talents, strengths, blessings and gifts, focus on your talents. Develop them. Stop comparing yourself with the rest or competing with the rest. Compete against your own potential instead

3. Whatever other people think about you, what matters is what you think about yourself. Whether circumstances be right or not, the circumstance that really matters is your opinion or belief about yourself. The third step is to develop a winner's attitude. Create a mental picture of yourself succeeding in your field. Even when problems and obstacles come your way, hold this picture in your mind. Know that God is at your side till the end of time. The highway to success is filled by potholes of failure. Don't get discouraged. Failure is at the very heart of success.

4. The fourth step is to break away from the false expectations of other people. You have the right to live the good life that God meant for you. Stop living other people's dreams. Stop wanting to please everybody. Stop defining success in terms of what other people say. Success in not all about money, fame and sex. Success is about true happiness and Joy in every day life. Follow the career that makes you happy and not the career that your relatives and friends or society in general thinks that you should follow

5. Dream Big Dreams. Dreams that inspire you. Dreams that spring from your talents and passions. Not just small dreams that are overly concerned with the challenges that be. Don't let fear of failure slow you down. Stop comparing your life story with other failures but take as your heroes, people who rose from the ashes of failure and poverty to the glory of success and significance. You have the potential. You are the child of God. You can accomplish anything you want with God's help.

6. Develop high quality friendships. Stop listening hanging around those friends who laugh at you and your goals. Drop those cynics who tell you that you cannot achieve your goals. Surround yourself with people who believe in you and at the same time, challenge you to be your best self without judging you. Surround yourself with friends who want to make a difference in the world and live highly meaningful life. If you surround yourself with low quality friends who have low quality thoughts and actions, you will live a low quality life with low quality results. Remember above all, God is and must be your best of all friends. A friend and no a policeman is who God is.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012


On 11th November, which was on a Sunday, more than 50 Students of Statehouse Girls approached the Altar and imitating the wedding ceremony, vowed to remain pure in heart, mind, soul and action. According to the beatitude, blessed are the pure in heart, they shall see God, the students wanted an experience of God and preserve their bodily purity until marriage. It is so encouraging to see so many of our friends coming forward and vowing chastity in a world that views virginity as lack of opportunity and or even a disease. Surprisingly, I have not heard of anybody who has died of virginity but those who have lost it in a fleeting moment of pleasure die by the day. These young ladies have a different story and wants to be different. They know that the formula for success in not easy to know but that for failure lies in simply following the crowd. They know that it is easy to go with the flow but they know that the flow always goes downhill and becomes stagnant and dead. They have decided to walk the highway. The way of the few that brings satisfaction and personal success. They have refused the myth that a young person cannot resist sexual desires or that everyone is having sex. 'Who is everyone? I am not everyone!' they say. They want to beat their own paths and they know that they are not alone. Kudos Grace-full ladies! Let them laugh now but remember, he or she that laughs last, laughs best!! I am sure you  will get Gentlemen who will Love you and Cherish you!


Over the last one week, over 10,000 youth gathered as Expo grounds in Kigali, Rwanda for the quadrennial Taize Retreat. The last one was held in Nairobi in 2008. It was a wonderful experience for many of us in many ways. First, it was the first time for a good majority of the Kenyans to visit Rwanda and to travel by road for almost 24hours. Though tiring, it was very exciting and adventurous to travel aboard Kampala Coach all the way from the Holy Family Basilica in Nairobi, through Kampala Uganda with its exquisite landscapes to Kigali, Rwanda. Long, tiring but thrilling. Did I say how many Kenyans were there? 650!! Kudos to Kenyan Youth for their enthusiasm in Christ. We were second only to Neighbouring Burundi who were more than 800 but do we say??
Kenyans claiming territory in Rwanda

Kampala Coach
Ugandan Landscapes

Monday, 5 November 2012


A flower to each of our readers. Thank you and may you experience God's Love in your life. We pray that God choicest blessings may find their way into your lives and fill you with Joy and Love.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012


On 13th of October, the AYES Team was invited to give a talk to Form Four Students of Nembu Girls who were preparing for the exam and life after school. We covered topics such us College and University life, Dating and Sex, Responsible Freedom and discovering one's Personal Life Center. At the end of the whole day sessions, some of the girls wrote about their experience on our Gratitude Book.
Essy Sherry
This was an experience of a lifetime and i have been inspired and have grown mentally, spiritually and emotionally. May you reach out to more young people for you will change this generation Y. Thanks for standing in the gap and harkening to God's call for you. You are blessed and much more is yet to come.

Nancy Nduta
The sessions were interesting and beneficial to me and I believe to many others too. Keep up the Spirit and God bless You.

Perpetua Atieno
The sessions were very fabulous and life teaching. God bless you and the Team

Zahra Rachael
The sessions were very encouraging to the Youth and it is also very much up building. The sessions were superb and very intriguing as it has personally made me a great person. Keep it up and be blessed.


The Girls with Dominique George
Over the past five weeks, AYES has been having Personal Leadership Sessions at Statehouse Girls Nairobi every Sunday afternoon. The Topics covered ranged from Self Awareness, time management, Living purposeful lives, Relationships with each other, parents, dating and sex to Social-Emotional-Physical-Mental Fitness or the 4D Renewal. The students highly appreciated the sessions.
With the Youth Chaplain
Dominique George, the Personal Leadership Speaker and Archdiocesan Programs Coordinator was with them throughout the five sessions. The Archdiocesan Youth Chaplain, Fr. Edwin Hunja, made sure that he was there every Sunday, even though for a few moments, despite his heavy schedule.
With Dominique George
Colette Inviolata, the leader of the group had this to say, 'Wow! The sessions were exquisite, just perfect for a confused teenager to draw essential life-skills from. I'll forever miss the sessions, for you've truly left a mark in me and in all the students who attended the sessions that cannot be erased by any force but death. May the Lord God guide you in your path of enlightening young people'

Laureen Janet said, 'Words don't describe everything and many have said it. The amount of gratitude as enormous as it is, can't be quantified. You are a blessing to many including me. A great inspiration and an amazing teacher. What I have learned should definitely make me change the world in my own way. God bless you abundantly  and may the Blessed Virgin Mary watch over you always! Thank you!
These are but some of the many comments the students wrote on our gratitude book. From the Archdiocesan Youth Educational Services, we feel doubly blessed and want to thank the students since we also learned a lot from them. The lessons and fond memories will remain forever. May God bless you all with His Choicest Blessings.
The Chaplain giving Communion during Mass
A group Photo
And some fun

Monday, 29 October 2012


It all started when I was in Class 8 when Dad and Mum broke the news that Mum was suffering from breast cancer. I couldn’t believe it at first and kept on thinking about it. I got sick and was admitted for two weeks. I just had to live with it. When I was doing my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education (K.C.P.E), Mum was admitted at the Nairobi Women’s Hospital for an operation. Her breasts had to be cut off.
After some days, her hair started falling off and so, she had to shave it all. She couldn’t bear it, she really loved her hair but there was no option. She was a very prayerful woman and never lost hope. What hurt her most was that she had to young children. One in Pre-unit and the other in class one. One day, during the Visiting Day at my school, I remember her coming with my grandmother, my Dad and my siblings. She couldn’t even walk upright. She kept on staggering and saying that her head was aching. We didn’t even have fun though she really tried to keep on smiling.
When they went home, I couldn’t concentrate and I failed terribly in the final exams of that term. On the closing day, both my parents came to pick me up. On reaching the car, I went straight to the front seat to greet my Mom. Her eyes were red, she looked pale, she couldn’t walk though she still managed to wear a smile and ask me about school. My Dad looked different too. He was stressed and my results made him really upset. First, we had to take Mum for Chemotherapy while pushing her on the wheel chair. As Dad went to speak to the receptionist, we were left talking with Mom. She told us things that we couldn’t understand. “The work of God is in seven days and soon, it will come to be known. You know I looked like you when I was young. When you grow up, tell your children about me. Know that I love each and every one of you equally…” She said.
My brother was already at home from school by the time we arrived. We took Mom to her bedroom and prayed earnestly for her. After a week with her, she started losing her mind and say strange things. She could even occasionally forget who I was to her and tell me that she didn’t know me. She was immediately admitted to hospital. She stayed there for a week and then insisted on going home. It was on a Thursday when she arrived home at around 10:30Pm. Along with her was a gas full of oxygen, a wheelchair, medicine and diapers for adults. I freaked out and couldn’t bear any more. She then called us her children to the living room and told us, “You know there will come a time when I won’t be here anymore and when you come home and find that I am not here, just know that I am in another country preaching the word of God” we were all puzzled and when we asked for an explanation, Dad told us not to insist.
A Mass was arranged at home for her and it was going on well when she got another attack. She would talk strangely and call the Priest names. The following Tuesday, my Mom insisted that my elder brother and I go to my grandmother’s place. We received a lot of encouragement and comfort from our cousins there.  On the following Thursday, my Aunt came from visiting Mom and we gave her and grandma a bit of privacy by moving out. We could hear them crying and praying. On the Friday morning that followed, our grandfather took us home with a pastor. My Aunt picked us and after we reached home, she parked the car behind the house.
First, they prayed and I could tell that something was not right. They finally broke the news. Mom had passed on the previous night at around 10:30PM. We cried hysterically. I had never seen my brother cry that much. On going into the house, I met Dad and though he tried to be strong for us, in the end, he broke down too. But we had to be strong for the younger ones. That was also the time that I really came to know and experience God. A friend of mine walked with me throughout the way until my faith increased. Now we are growing in strength after a whole year of missing Mom.
It hurts me that we had so many plans for the future and that people talk happily to me about their Moms where as I have nothing to say other than memories.


We all experience at one time or the other, an "Eloi, Eloi Lama Sabachtani!" moment. Times when we ask God, "why have you forgotten me?' We often do experience also, if we let ourselves, the forgiveness of God or His consolation and warm embrace of encouragement and friendship. This is Rose's experience from the Eloi moment to a better and stronger friendship with Christ. Read the Story of Rose and be inspired as I was inspired too. Keep those comments coming on our Facebook page Joe Ayes or send an email to
Have a wonderful and blessed time.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

To all Our readers

What is the story of your heart? What experiences are you going through or have you gone through that you would like to share with the world. Send your story of hope and Courage, your story of Pain and Triumph and we will post it on this Blog for all to read and learn. Check tomorrow for a new story of hope and Courage.

Remember to Check the Old posts at the bottom of this blog in order to know about our programs and other postings.

Have a Great Sunday and an awesome week!!!!

Monday, 22 October 2012


Greetings from the Archdiocesan Youth Educational Services!!! Please send your comments and sharing about our blog and we will deeply appreciate.
We do hope and pray that you are all of great health and enjoying God's blessings

I thought the Lion will serve to remind each of us about the Lion that lies within us, ready to roar and make meaningful its life on this side of the river


Thursday, 18 October 2012


(The story of Mary in her own words)
The Lord tells us in Jeremiah 29:11; ‘I know the plans I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘Plans for welfare and not evil, to give you a future and a hope.’ The only thing you have to do is to have faith in God and trust in Him.
I come from a family of four children. I am the first born child. I was the first grandchild in our extended family. It was a real surprise because out of seven children, my dad was the last born. All the other grandchildren from his brothers had all died and when I was born, they told mum that there was no way I would survive. After sometime, I was attacked by a disease that was not easy to treat. My mum almost lost hope thinking that I would definitely die. My dad and my relatives rejected me too. My mum looked for help everywhere and finally God helped her and she was able to find treatment for me.
After nine years, my dad started drinking. We always had chaos in the house when he was around. In the month of December, my mum and dad divorced and left my sibling under my care. We started a hard life without our mum. One day, something terrible happened.
My dad brought six of his co-workers at home. They were all men. This is the day that totally changed my life. It took away all my pride. I was sexually abused by the six men. I really didn’t know what happened next because I lost consciousness. In the morning, not knowing what to do and having no one to tell, I decided to clear the mess while feeling all the pain. After some days, I realized that I had a wound around my private parts and it was really painful. I was having difficulty walking. I decided to tell my Aunt who took me to the hospital for medication. The doctor said that I had contracted an STD. That was very painful for me but my Aunt was able to make sure that I got the best medication without telling my dad.
After this incident, I was unable to accept myself back. I was even unable to associate well with my friends and those around me. I have always blamed my dad for everything that happened to me and I hate him with all my heart. Even though mum came back, I did not have the courage to tell her about the incident. Even after she came back, our house still had a lot of drama.
I couldn’t bear to see my dad abusing and beating up my mum. He would even beat us and throw us out of the house at night. He would some time come and pour the food we had cooked. Bear in mind that for us to find food was a real problem. My dad used to curse me every day and say that I would never succeed in life. My parents would always separate every year almost as a routine and I would be left to take care of my siblings.
After clearing Standard Eight, I passed well and I was admitted to a well performing high school. My dad refused to take care of my schooling and refused even to allow me to go to school. With the help of my mum and uncle, I secured a sponsorship. I am now studying under the sponsorship of a Good Samaritan from Netherlands.
Of late, I have been very sickly. I have Asthma, Ulcers and a bladder infection. My dad refused to pay for my medication and said that I could just be sick and die since all people must die one day. For now, the biggest problem am facing is rejection from my relatives. My dad is very sick and my relatives have rejected my family because they already got what they wanted. I believe that the Lord who cured me and enabled me to pass through all this is the same Lord who is going to cure my father. I do believe and trust that the Lord is still with us. I do still have a lot of difficulty forgiving my father and the men who raped me. I know God is going to help me.
Though we feel rejected, God tells us in John 6:37; ‘I will not reject anyone who comes to me.’ This is a promise by the Lord who is always faithful in all his promises. I give all the glory and honor, praise and worship to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who has enabled me to pass through all this and to be strong. I earnestly pray for all those who will read this to be blessed in the Mighty and Holy Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Read Psalms: 136:1-3, 121 and 119:145-176